My Baby Hates #HITRAFFIC

See that? That's #^(*& Hawaii traffic!

Think you hate #HItraffic, red lights, or slow drivers? Yeah, we all do. But try being in a car with a crying, no, SCREAMING baby in any kind of traffic. The literal crawl to the destination is agonizing and painful. (I have no idea what those people who live on the West Side did when the traffic was so bad it took over four hours or more to get home.) In addition, I swear I get all the red lights at every chance even though I scream, "Green! Green! Green!" (Traffic Gods, where you at?) My son hates red lights and he doesn't fall for the fake rolling stop that I use to try and trick him into thinking we aren't stopping. To add to that, slow drivers are the death of us. My son hates when we go slow and just needs a little speed to calm him down. But, we all know a slow driver when we see one...they drive in the left lane below speed limit (all the time) and we know (but they don't know), that they should be in the right lane or not on the road, well, ever. (Haha, angry Aimee writing today.)

I know Hawaii's traffic problems won't go away any time soon. But it's been quite an adventure with my son in my car. There have been times when I literally am driving with one hand on the wheel and the other holding the pacifier in his mouth or holding his hand. (Yup, just call me Gumby.) Or I've got Pandora on playing the Toddler Radio station and I'm singing at the top of my lungs ("Wheels on the Bus" is my jam). Three months ago, this was not my life. But, it's my life let's step on it, please.
