100 Days!

Happy 100 days to my son, Kai! For my husband and I, these have been the best 100 days, as well as 100 days of not sleeping through the entire night. (We are hopeful to experience that again soon!) It is truly amazing to see how my son has grown in these 100 days. From a 5 lbs newborn to now a 15 lbs 3-month old who coos, giggles, and let's not forget, screams like a mad man. He's figuring out the world around him and lights up when he sees his mommy and daddy. What a blessing it is to be his mommy!

I wanted to celebrate this day for Kai, along with celebrating with my hubby this important milestone that we remained strong and "survived" for 100 days. And actually, in Korean culture, they have a 100 days of life celebration called Baek-il. It is believed that if you share special food with 100 people, the baby will have a long and healthy life. Believe it or not, some Korean 100-day celebrations are bigger than first birthday parties! Well, we don't have to go that far, but our first 100 days with Kai gives us time to reflect on a lot of things and how grateful we are to have him in our lives.
