Here we go....

Yay! The long awaited blog about life with Baby Kai. Obviously, it took a while - 80 days to be exact since he's been born. In my defense, this is the first time (well, ever) that I only sleep in 3-4 hour blocks, changed poopy diapers hourly (or so), talk in a higher pitched voice, catch spit up like a ninja, and act as a milk machine for my son. Although it's all very exhausting, I wouldn't trade it for anything. I do wonder from time to time: How do people manage TWO kids? or When will I ever sleep through the night? or How can someone so little poop so much? or Does my son think I'm weird when I speak in one voice to his dad, but in a high, squeaky one to him?

If you asked me to write a blog post during the first weeks of Kai's life, I might write about how much I Google everything and would have probably cried on the keyboard due to the influx of crazy "new mom" hormones. But, I can honestly admit that things have been getting a tad bit easier as the days go by. I don't feel used and abused because instead of breastfeeding every 2 hours, my son can now manage 3-4 hour feedings. (Hooray!) And the sleep deprivation just gets to be a part of life, I guess. And slowly my hubby and I are figuring out Kai and he's adjusting well to us.

Being a parent it's something you cannot explain in words nor is there an instructional manual that says exactly what you need to know (there are a million things on the Internet, after all). You truly don't know the feeling until you experience it. It's hard to raise a baby, very hard, don't get me wrong. But the reward is this miraculous child who coos and smiles (and cries) that just melt your heart. I look forward to sharing the journey of being a new mommy....and it's not all unicorns and rainbows, people. But it's worth every moment.
