The Fog...

Anybody who has had a newborn remembers "the fog". Currently, I am in "the fog". I don't know what day it is, what time it is, what the date is - nope, no idea. But, thank goodness for smartphones and being able to set alarms. Also, during said fog, I have become so forgetful. It's ridiculous how I forget where I put things, why I walked into a room, or if I turned the A/C off at home (oops, sorry hubby).

In short, truth be said, lately I've been such a mess. But, really, can you blame me? I literally sleep in 3-4 hour blocks and stay up all day with my baby. It's true they say to sleep when your baby sleeps, but I've tried to during the day and just can't do it. I guess my body is too afraid to get too comfy and not hear the baby.

I don't know when it will happen, but I truly look forward to sleeping through the night...someday. As a lover of naps and lots of sleeping, I'm sure it will feel amazing to clear "the fog" with good sleep and function as a human being again. (Kai, are you listening to Mommy?)
