Back to Work...

*** Hi! So sorry for the delay in posting - it's been a while but I'm back! ***

Four weeks ago, I had to give up my role as Stay-At-Home-Mommy and headed back to my job in the DOE. I'm not going to lie, the first day was awful and full of tears. Lots of tears. But...I survived. Part of how I survived was because I knew that Kai was in good hands. We had a babysitter all set up but one day out of the blue my dad told us that he'd watch Kai. We were floored, but incredibly grateful.

After a month together, they've found their routine and it just warms my heart when I get to hear my dad sing Old McDonald to Kai or tell us how their day went. I do think it's hilarious when I stop by the house and find them playing Candy Crush or Bingo together on my dad's iPad. And I still can't figure out how my dad gets Kai to nap for 2-3 hours at a time. I'm still challenging my dad to learn how to text photos to me, but I know I'm reaching. Ha! A mommy can dream, right?! (Note: he does text me now so we aren't far away from pigs flying!)

I know it cannot be easy to drop off your sweet baby at the sitters, so I realize how lucky my husband and I are and we never forget to thank my dad every day. But, I know that those two words: "thank you" don't even begin to express my gratitude for this amazing gift from my dad. #thankgoodnessforfamily
