The Great Fallout

Yep, bald spot, right. there.

On September 29th, we celebrated 100 days of Kai's life. Things were wonderful: our son was thriving and we were figuring things out, as parents, in this new life. Little did I know that around 100 days post-pregnancy, my hair would start to fall out like nobody's business. I mean, it's crazy - on the daily, literally, clumps of hair *poof!* (not attached to my head any more). And now I'm left with lovely bald spots at the crown of my hairline. #sadface 

I get it, it's a part of the hormonal adjustment and, that, in the previous 100 days, my hair was living la vida loca! So thick and lush, probably the best my hair felt and looked, well, ever! But as all good things must come to an end, it did. I understand the tradeoff and the miraculousness of how my body changed and adjusted for a tiny human to grow inside of me. I'm not mad nor do I even Google for possible solutions. I've literally just accepted this as a part of the process. (Though, I'd be thrilled if the hair loss would've never happened - no joke.) Truth be told, this isn't the first time I've dealt with hair loss so I guess I'm not as panicky or scared as a first timer probably would be. In college, due to stress and anxiety, I battled alopecia areata and, truthfully, that was much worse than post-pregnancy hair loss. So, I'm not complaining, just hopeful the mass clumps of hair that end up in the shower drain on the daily can slow their roll. 

Studies show that normal hair growth will be restored after one year. One. Year. Thank goodness I have a lot of hair to begin with. But, I think the fallout looks like a lot BECAUSE I have a lot of hair. Good news is I think I have some regrowth already because my bald spots look like they might have some alfalfa sprouts growing in. Phew! So who knows what will happen and how this will all play out in a few months or so. I do know that I am blessed to have a beautiful four month old son who's happy and healthy - and that's all that matters. 
