My Top Fives: Things I Miss...

First and foremost, let me preface this list with this: Motherhood has changed me...for the better. I would not trade having Kai for anything, ANYTHING. But, I'm going to be honest with you, there are glimmers of LBK (life before Kai) that are nice memories and fun moments to reminisce about. Ha! That's not to say I don't have these opportunities to do things sans baby, they just come few and far between. So, if you are not a mommy yet, relish in these opportunities (at any time or place) - and if you are a mommy, well, let's commiserate together (unless you sneak away and opportunity knocks). Here we go:

Top 5 What I Miss

5. Singing at the top of my lungs - Yes, I love singing at the top of my lungs, not kids songs, pop music big-kid songs. Truth be told, the audio in my car is set on Pandora and the only stations I flip flop between these days are the Toddler and Baby Einstein channels. (I've even contemplated purchasing Pandora One to avoid commercials or a string of "thumbs down" tunes!) I have expanded my favorite song list from Itsy Bitsy Spider and Row, Row, Row Your Boat to Apples & Bananas and Skidamarink. (See if you are in the dark about those two songs, I've got one up on you!) Also, I have learned that Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star has more than one verse(!) and there a zillion versions of The Wheels on the Bus - I still can't figure out if the wheels turn "all through the town," "all the way to town," or "all day long." Long story short, I do, indeed, sing at the top of my nursery rhymes and kid simple songs. What I miss is singing adult songs out loud and at the top of my lungs, haha - so when those few and far opportunities come up and my son is riding home with my hubby, don't be surprised if you pull up alongside me and I'm belting out Drake's Hotline Bling....because I can.

4. Shopping alone - If you know me, you know I am a shopper. Some people like hiking, some people like working, I like to shop....alone. I don't mind the monotonous looking through racks and racks of clothing, household items or gadgets at TJ Maxx or Ross or Target - in fact, it's my thing. But since having Kai, those days are long gone. Usually, if I'm shopping, he's with me so I "wear" him and life isn't that fun when you are shopping around with a 20-lb. baby on you. Luckily, now he's finally at the age where I can put him in the shopping cart, but still, it doesn't beat walking without a time limit, myself.

3. Leaving my hair down - I have long hair that has been up now for 231 consecutive days. Yup, I get it now why moms cut their hair. Committing to keeping my hair long and not succumbing to getting a "mom-do" is a tough task, but I'm up to the challenge. I relish in the days when Kai is hanging out with his daddy or when I'm at work to allow my hair to fall freely. Ha! Such a silly, small thing, but it's such a treat! I've tried to keep my hair down around Kai - nope, pulled hair is no fun at all. Especially since I'm recovering from the "Great Hair Fallout," I cannot spare any more hair being pulled out. Here's to leaving your hair down once a while! *whips hair back and forth*

2. Late nights - I used to be a night owl. Keywords: used to be. I used to love staying up late, catching up on all my TV shows, surfing the Internet, and not worrying about what time it was. Forget that. I don't even see midnight, well, ever. I feel like an old person. But, really, it's just being a parent. You realize that if you don't hit the sheets at a reasonable time, you will pay for it the next morning when your child wakes up. (Late night television, what's that?! But, thank goodness for YouTube to replay the great Jimmy Fallon lip syncs or hashtag segments!) 

1. Sleeping in - Thankfully, Kai sleeps through the night, but he's raring to go bright and early around 6:30am. 6:30am, even on weekends?! I would NEVER get up that early if I didn't have to. Nope, not me. I love my sleep. But, honestly, Kai's the BEST in the mornings so that makes up for these early mornings. But sleeping in, those days are long gone. So, if you see my friend, "Sleep," tell him I miss him.

  • Traveling - I get island fever...a lot. I've been known to buy a ticket on a whim and, literally, jump on a plane within a couple hours. I love traveling and I don't think that will ever go away. But, with Kai now in my life, traveling takes a little more forethought and planning.
  • Impromptu dates - I miss the days of deciding at the last minute to see a movie, going to dinner in town, or long days at the beach. Kai is the new factor in the equation and he comes with a lot of baggage, pun intended. 

So, yes, there are things that I miss now that I have Kai. But, I wouldn't trade him for anything, even if I have had to make life adjustments. Though when opportunities arise that allow for letting my hair down or singing at the top of my lungs, you know I'm taking them. I'd love to hear other things you miss now that you are parents....let's all commiserate together!
