Mommy's Garden Baby!

The world needs to know, I have lived with a black thumb. My first job (ever) was at The Garden Mart - mostly I was a cashier, but my boss (the owner) would give me plants to take home along with the advice to help the little guys survive. Without fail, a few days later, my plants would die. I was not a good "mother" - those plants never had a chance. Secretly, I have always hoped to be a great gardener and always use the phrase, "I wish I could grow..." with lemons, basil, avocado and even some puakenikeni (my fave flower). But, I guess I always knew my black thumb was real and stopped even considering having a garden (of any kind).

Since becoming a mommy, a lot has changed. If you follow my blog, you may have seen that I have more interest in baking and even sewing(!). So, I told my hubby about my interest in trying to grow our own "stuff"and he was all-in. He is a great partner (since he himself came with his own plants when we started dating), but his parents have an amazing garden where they live. I knew my future plants (aka "babies") had a better chance with the two of us than me by myself. Ha! 

We headed to Home Depot to look around and decided to get some plants and thought we'd put them in a big square-ish pot. With those items in tow, we didn't know which soil to get so we asked a Home Depot garden expert. She kind of explained which plants are pot hogs and what would grow well and what wouldn't. Then, she said, "Have you ever heard of City Pickers?" At the moment, hubby and I were like, "No, just tell us what soil to get and let's move on..." But she took us over just to look at the City Pickers and, seriously, had the "I just knew" moment. Yup, we knew we should give it a try and oh-my-goodness have you seen my garden?! 
Basically, City Pickers is this #amaze gardening option especially for those who live in condos and townhouses. The setup is simple (so easy an Aimee can do it!) and (guess what?!) you water through a tube and the plants drink water from the bottom up. It's THE BEST! You cannot overwater your plants! You know when to stop adding water when it leaks out of the side holes...easy, right?! The plants literally thrive and, heck, I look like a master gardener!! 
So far, we've started with a cherry tomato plant (which by the way is a total pot hog that we had to buy a cage to tame it - no joke!), two manoa lettuce plants, a rosemary plant, and we just added a jalapeno plant. It's so awesome to just pull from our garden when we need and have fresh lettuce, tomatoes, or rosemary to add to our cooking! 

Thanks to City Pickers for giving me a second, third, fourth chance at being a mommy to a garden! I can finally say I have a green thumb!
