No Longer a Pouch Mama! I'm a Cooking Mama!

Let the truth be known that being a parent is one of the scariest adventures...well, ever. So, when we hit the 6-month old mark with Kai and we were allowed to introduce solid foods to his diet, I literally freaked out. It's quite the biggest responsibility to introduce FOOD to my little human. I mean, seriously, all he's had was breastmilk and his Baby Mum Mum snacks - that's it. We started with introducing poi first and then avocado - neither of these required pureeing or freezing. So, we felt "safe" and, I don't know, I just didn't have it in me to figure out pureeing and all the other stuff that comes with feeding "real food" to Kai. So, my hubby and I decided that we were ok with the pouch purees for Step 1 & 2. Kai seemed happy with certain pouches - and once in awhile, my hubby would taste them and he'd be happy with the taste.

When we hit Kai's 9-month birthday, we were up to Step 3 foods - and I distinctly remember deciding to give him a puree of Earth's Best Chicken and Stars. He took a few bites and then he did his pursed lips which means one of two things: 1) I'm not hungry anymore, or 2) this does not taste good. I assumed (hindsight being 20/20, I guessed wrong) that he just wasn't hungry. Later that day, I went to work and my hubby had feeding duties. He said when he tried to give Kai the Chicken and Stars that he was literally in tears not wanting to open his mouth at all - but he could tell he was hungry. I found this all out over the phone - I was at work and I just had an a-ha moment.

It was time for me to take responsibility for my son's food. That night after I finished work, I researched and Google-d anything and everything about baby food recipes. I talked to my sister-in-law who was my personal expert on pureeing. She even gave us some books to look through - haha, one now is my Mommy Bible for pureeing: Top 100 Baby Purees by Annabel Karmel. So, I planned to go grocery shopping and I was determined to make this baby food making work!

Simmering Apples & Chicken anyone?
My first puree was Chicken, Apples, and Sweet Potatoes. It turned out super yummy - it was Hubby Approved (he always tastes everything I make now!). We packed some for Kai's meals and then we froze the rest in trays I found at Target on clearance. But, the best is we gave Kai some freshly made and, boy, oh boy, was he happy! It was at that moment that changed me into a Cooking Mama. Now, I know I'm not a perfect cooking mama, but it just feels amazing to be accountable for what Kai eats. I'm happy that he loves everything I've made for him thus far. I don't know what I was so afraid of before, but Hubby and I had to do everything on our time. We are so pleased with this newfound change in how we are feeding Kai...and we know Kai is happy to eat his mommy-made food. Hooray!
Happy Boy Eating!

(I created a Pinterest page called Kai Eats! where I put recipes I want to try and recipes tried and true that work for us. Most are very simple, which I like, and I like to put different fruits/vegetables in to mix things up a bit! Who knew that cooking/pureeing for my son would be so much fun!)
